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Photo Galleries

Take a peek at some of the things we’ve done here at The3dPanda!

Spaceballs Figures

Our attempt at making figures for one of our favorite films of all time! Series Two is coming soon, so be sure to keep an eye out!

Teeny-Tiny Replica Figures

Teeny-Tiny Figures are where it all started for The3dPanda… Once we started making these little guys, we were hooked on making figures!

Custom Star Wars Figures

From Silly Ideas, to unmade characters, to customer requests – here’s where you’ll find some of the custom SW characters we’ve done…

Customer Images

We love to see the images our customers send us of our figures in their collections! Here you’ll find some of those pictures all gathered up…

Dioramas and Larger Figures

It’s not all 3.75″ or Teeny-Tiny figures here at the Panda! Larger figures and Dioramas – while time consuming are also super-fun to work on!

Prop Replicas and Droids

Sometimes we also work on Prop Replicas and Droids for our collection. Most of the items in this gallery aren’t available for commission.